Low Vision Tools and Companies List

The following list contains names and contacts of companies that produces tools, lenses, glasses and products.

List contains following fields: ‘Name’, ‘Contacts’

A) Lenses and Glasses

  1. Name: Noir
    Contacts: http://www.noir-medical.com/

  2. Name: Cocoons
    Contacts: https://cocoonseyewear.com/product-category/cocoons/fitovers/cocoons-low-vision-uv-filters/

  3. Name: ZEISS
    Contacts: https://www.zeiss.com/vision-care/en_de/products-services/coating-coloured-lenses/sun-filter-lenses/special-filter-lenses/f-451-452.html

  4. Name: Luxottica
    Contacts: http://www.luxottica.com/

B) Bioptic Telescope and Monocular Telescope

  1. Name: Ocutech
    Contacts: http://www.ocutech.com

  2. Name: Designs for Vision
    Contacts: https://www.designsforvision.com/about/about.htm

C) Magnification tools

  1. Name: Eschenbach
    Contacts: http://www.eschenbach.com

  2. Name: VFO Group – a merging of some of the previously recognizable companies like Optelec and Freedom Scientific
    Contacts: http://www.vfogroup.com, info@vfo-group.com

  3. Name: Zoomax
    Contacts: https://www.zoomax.com

  4. Name: Enhanced Vision
    Contacts: https://www.enhancedvision.com

  5. Name: Carson
    Contact: https://www.carson.com/product-categories/monoculars/

  6. Name: MagniLink S premium 2
    Contact: Magnilink viewer

  7. Name: eSight

  8. Name: AdaptiVision, Inc. – New England (Northeast US)
    Contacts: https://lowvisionsource.com/

D – Products for Contacts lenses and big pharma companies

  1. Name: Heidelberg Engineering
    Contacts: https://www.heidelbergengineering.com/us/

  2. Name: Bausch and Lomb

E – Others

  1. Name: Council of Citizens with Low Vision International (CCLVI)
    Contacts: CCLVI.org
    Why: charity program to give magnifiers to low vision people

  2. Name: Healthy Vision Association
    Contact: http://healthyvisionassociation.com/sponsorship.html

  3. Name: Partners for Sight
    Contact: Dianna Kelly-Naghizadeh, Grant Program Manager dianna@partnersforsight.org

  4. Name: Look – Supporting visually impaired young people to thrive
    Contact: https://www.look-uk.org/contact/
    Web: https://www.look-uk.org/assistive-tech-that-you-dont-know-you-already-have/

  5. Name: The Best Schools – Online College and Students with Visual Impairments
    Contacts: https://thebestschools.org/resources/visual-impairment-online-college/

F – Resources

  1. Name: MaxiAids
    Contact: www.maxiaids.com

  2. Name: LS&S
    Contact: http://www.lssproducts.com

  3. Name: Magnifyingaids
    Contact: https://www.magnifyingaids.com/

  4. Name: IndependentLiving
    Contact: https://www.independentliving.com/

  5. List of low vision resources by state (USA)
    Website: www.enhancedvision.com/low-vision-resources.html

  6. Name: Nelowvision (carry Jordy electronic glasses)
    Contact: http://www.nelowvision.com/

  7. Name: Low Vision Info
    Contact: http://www.allaboutvision.com/lowvision/

  8. Name: Electronic glasses ($10,000)
    Contact: https://www.esighteyewear.com/

  9. Name: Freedom Scientific
    Contact: http://www.freedomscientific.com/Products/LowVision


AFB – American Foundation for the Blind
NFB – National Federation of the Blind
Low Vision Gateway