60 Seconds with Jason Faulkner

Name:  Jason Faulkner

Age:  43

Where do you live? 
Franklin, OH  USA

How many relatives do you have with BCM?
2 – 1 uncle and a cousin

What is your job?
IT Infrastructure Manager for a manufacturing company.  Dream job would be a Voice-Over artist doing commercials, movie trailers and such.

What are your hobbies? 
I don’t like doing things that remind me that I can’t see as well as others.  Not much for spending time outside. I like NASCAR and watching movies.

What is your most useful BCM tip? 
Don’t be afraid to inform others about what lighting conditions are ideal for you to see or participate in an activity.  Most people are very willing to accommodate you.

Greatest achievement/proudest moment so far… 
Other than my wife and I raising two wonderful daughters, I’ll go with being a cancer survivor.

Not many people know this about me but… 
I was elected to three consecutive terms on City Council in the city where I live and served two years as Vice-Mayor.