Julius lives in Stuttgart, Germany and is 27 years old. He is affected by BCM and is currently the only case in his immediate family. His grandfather had BCM and his mother is a carrier.

Julius is a railroad engineer (Dipl.-Ing.) at Deutsche Bahn and works on major infrastructure projects. He studied at the Technical University of Dresden.

He was diagnosed with BCM in 1998 at the age of two. At the nearest eye clinic in Tübingen, where BCM was being researched at the time, Julius’ family was the 12th family to be registered with the disease. While virtually no research was being carried out in the field of rare retinal diseases in Germany, the BCM Families Foundation was founded in Delaware, USA. This finally created an internationally operating platform with the aim of curing BCM. Julius has been an ambassador for the BCM Families Foundation in German-speaking countries since 2023.

Julius’ vision is to raise social awareness of the disease, to encourage affected people to pursue their professional and private goals despite illness and disability and to promote a cure for BCM. The aim is that future generations can be cured of BCM as early as childhood and perhaps it will also be possible to cure young people and adults at some point.