60 Seconds with…

El BCM es una enfermedad muy rara y muchos hombres han pasado gran parte de sus vidas sin un diagnóstico o solos, sin contacto con otros en la misma situación.

Gracias al avance de las pruebas genéticas, las redes sociales/internet y con el apoyo de BCMFF, ahora podemos conectar a los hombres con BCM entre sí y a sus familias. Inspirándonos en nuestros éxitos y aprendiendo de nuestros viajes colectivos.

Trudi Dawson, la madre de un niño con BCM en el Reino Unido, presenta nuestra columna «60 segundos con…» con el objetivo de conectar a las familias y su valiosa experiencia viviendo con BCM. Mientras esperamos una cura, trabajemos para apoyarnos y guiarnos mutuamente y a nuestra familia BCM.

Nolan Arve

I’m 7 and a half and my hobbies are swimming, playing outside with my friends, and …

Mike Fry

I am a stay at home dad to 5 wonderful children. Before that I was an attorney for the State of California in the …

Bradley Harrison

I love to travel, I have been to 17 countries, I like to snowboard in the winter, watch movies and play …

Nacer Boussahoul

I love hiking, being lost in wild spaces. I really enjoy martial arts practice and recently discovered a passion…

Robert Finch

I am retired from paid employment but I gained a BSc. in Mechanical Engineering (without seeing the…

Tom Rogers

I currently work in the Gym Group, Crawley as the Assistant General Manager. I aspire to be a…

Paul Rowland

For more than thirty years, I was the psychologist for North Carolina’s Division of Services for the…

Kyle Bieze

I was president of my highschool’s Latin Club, was elected into my university’s Student Government..

Benedikt Roemer

I am currently a research associate at a university in Germany and pursuing a PhD project in the…

Hawk Masters

I have worked so many different things in my life. Professional education as a baker..


When I am grown up I would like to study animals and help them to survive if they are hurt…

David T. Dilling

I am retired as the owner of an HVAC business which I sold in 2015. I like to read, go to movies and work in…


I am currently studying for a bachelor’s degree in General Engineering. I am quite…

Dean Monthei

I am retired now but worked as a materials engineer specializing in electronics packaging…


My great-great Grandfather was described as ‘not being able to see colour and not being…

George Donaldson

I grew up at a time when there was not much information about BCM, so I would suggest educating…

Virgil Wade

I was a Machinist. I would have liked to have been a Cowboy and Rancher all my life…

Jason Faulkner

I don’t like doing things that remind me that I can’t see as well as others. Not much for…

Robert Hicks

After a lifetime with BCM, here are a number of tips from various times of life: As a young person…