60 Seconds with…

Le monochromatisme à cônes bleus (BCM) est une maladie très rare ; faute de voir leur maladie
diagnostiquée, de nombreux hommes ont passé une grande partie de leur vie dans la solitude, sans
pouvoir entrer en contact avec d’autres personnes dans la même situation.
Grâce à l’avènement du test génétique, aux réseaux sociaux et à Internet, ainsi qu’au soutien de
l’association BCMFF, il nous est maintenant possible de mettre les patients BCM en contact les uns
avec les autres et avec leurs familles, qui peuvent ainsi s’inspirer des acquis réalisés et bénéficier
des expériences collectives.

Trudi Dawson, mère d’un jeune garçon BCM vivant au Royaume-Uni, présente notre chronique « 60 seconds with… » (60 secondes avec…) en vue de mettre en lien les familles et leur riche expérience de vie avec le BCM. Dans l’attente d’un traitement, employons-nous à nous soutenir et nous guider les uns les autres, en tant qu’individus et en tant que famille BCM.

Nolan Arve

I’m seven and a half. My hobbies are swimming, playing outside with my friends, and …

Mike Fry

I am a stay at home dad to 5 wonderful children. Before that I was an attorney for the State of California in the …

Bradley Harrison

I love to travel, I have been to 17 countries, I like to snowboard in the winter, watch movies and play …

Nacer Boussahoul

I love hiking, being lost in wild spaces. I really enjoy martial arts practice and recently discovered a passion…

Robert Finch

I am retired from paid employment but I gained a BSc. in Mechanical Engineering (without seeing the…

Tom Rogers

I currently work in the Gym Group, Crawley as the Assistant General Manager. I aspire to be a…

Paul Rowland

For more than thirty years, I was the psychologist for North Carolina’s Division of Services for the…

Kyle Bieze

I was president of my highschool’s Latin Club, was elected into my university’s Student Government..

Benedikt Roemer

I am currently a research associate at a university in Germany and pursuing a PhD project in the…

Hawk Masters

I have worked so many different things in my life. Professional education as a baker..


When I am grown up I would like to study animals and help them to survive if they are hurt…

David T. Dilling

I am retired as the owner of an HVAC business which I sold in 2015. I like to read, go to movies and work in…


I am currently studying for a bachelor’s degree in General Engineering. I am quite…

Dean Monthei

I am retired now but worked as a materials engineer specializing in electronics packaging…


My great-great Grandfather was described as ‘not being able to see colour and not being…

George Donaldson

I grew up at a time when there was not much information about BCM, so I would suggest educating…

Virgil Wade

I was a Machinist. I would have liked to have been a Cowboy and Rancher all my life…

Jason Faulkner

I don’t like doing things that remind me that I can’t see as well as others. Not much for…

Robert Hicks

After a lifetime with BCM, here are a number of tips from various times of life: As a young person…