60 Seconds with Bradley Harrison

Name: Bradley Harrison

Age: 33

Where do you live?
Edmonton Alberta, Canada

How many relatives do you have with BCM?
Possibly one, my nephew who is 5.

What is your job?
I am a warehouse manager for Gordon Food Service.

What are your hobbies?
I love to travel, I have been to 17 countries, I like to snowboard in the winter, watch movies and play video games.

What is your most useful BCM tip?
Utilise apps on your browser to change the colours or contrast to see better.

What would you tell younger BCM boys/your younger self?
Don’t be afraid to ask for help in school or seem like the odd one out. I avoided that when I was a kid because I didn’t want to be seen as different, but it’s something I regretted as I got older. Just because you have trouble seeing, doesn’t mean you can’t get a good education and pursue your dream career.

Greatest achievement/proudest moment so far…
I would say my greatest achievement is getting to where I am today in my career, and not letting my vision problems stop me from being successful.
It’s easy to sit and feel sorry for yourself, and think oh I can’t drive so I can’t do anything. But there is always a way, and although I didn’t do well in school I was able to turn it around and get a good career.

Not many people know this about me but..  
I’m obsessed with learning about the universe and our solar system and have the planets tattooed on my arm.